BUFADESO was formulated on 27th February 2012 by farmer groups from Bunda district. The initiatives of starting the organization were to establish a famer-groups district network to ensure sustainability of activities implementation after Vi Agroforestry; (A Swedish INGO that was implementing its projects in Mara region) has phased out. BUFADESO was registered by The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elders and Children on 4th day of December, 2013 with registration number 10NGO/00006696 under Act number 24, section 12(2). On 26th June 2019 the organization was re-registered with a new registration number 00NGO/00010200.
Our focus is to empower small-holder farmers and develop their capacity to adapt different farming techniques as well as other diversified sustainable livelihood options in order to survive, despite prolonged challenges. This is done by:
Advocating on policies, strategies and plans that encumber development of agriculture sector.
read moreConducting research on issues concerning advanced and modern agricultural methods ..
read moreEvaluate and monitor farmer`s projects/activities towards settled goals.
read moreBUFADESO is mandated to various developmental interventions and strived to work the below areas: