Discover Bufadeso
BUFADESO was formulated on 27th February 2012 by farmer groups from Bunda district. The initiatives of starting the organization were to establish a famer-groups district network to ensure sustainability of activities implementation after Vi Agroforestry; (A Swedish INGO that was implementing its projects in Mara region) has phased out.
BUFADESO was registered by The Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elders and Children on 4th day of December, 2013 with registration number 10NGO/00006696 under Act number 24, section 12(2). On 26th June 2019 the organization was re-registered with a new registration number 00NGO/00010200.
Our Mission
BUFADESO envisions having a strong community that will bring sustainable agricultural development to farmers.
Our Vision
To empower citizens and to build the capacity of farmers improved, productive and sustainable agriculture for the benefit of the entire Tanzanian community.
Our Core
Relationship is based on the foundation of faith, respect and appreciation.
Continous learning
Continous learning; knowledge is the main drive of our work. We are a learning organization in all internal and external spheres.
Team work
Team work: We work as a team to increase productivity, effectiveness and efficiency regardles of colour, tribe, doctrine, belief, level of education, physical appearance, sex etc.
Accountability: when assigned responsibility, we take charge and accountability of the expected results at specific time.
To conduct research on issues concerning advanced and modern agriculture method, market for farmers products, subsides and agriculture tools and equipment.
To establish irrigation scheme base that will connect from lake Victoria to village in peripheral areas in Bunda.
Evaluate and monitor farmer’s projects/activities settled goals.
To enhance capacity building to farmer’s on issues concerning environmental conservation, climate change, and application of technological farming tools and incentives.
Lobbying and advocate policies, strategies and plans that encumber of agriculture sector in BUNDA respectively.
To design, implement, revise and review programmers’ and projects which are calculated either directly or indirectly to benefit the organization in the attainment of any of its objects.
Our Services
Agricultural Project Evaluation and Monitoring Service
Agricultural Innovation and Market Research Initiative
Agricultural Policy Reform Advocacy
Sustainable Agriculture Empowerment Program
Small holder farmers.
Both individually and in groups: These are farmers engaging themselves in different activities like agricultural production and marketing, microfinance (Village Saving & Loan Associations – VSLA and Village Community Banks – VICOBA), study groups, tree planting, entrepreneurship and Agroforestry.
Special groups.
Groups of people with prioritization such as women groups, youth groups, school children as well as People Living with HIV/AIDS.
BUFADESO is mandated to various developmental interventions and strived to work the below areas: